During the summer, some of our Year 12 students embarked on a trip of a lifetime to volunteer in Kenya for nine days

They were able to visit the elephant orphanage before starting 5 days volunteering at the Jubilee primary school in Nakuru. This is in an area where where many families and children still live in poverty. African Adventures, our trip organisers, were established after one man visited here and wanted to do more to keep children in Africa safe and give them a future.

Our students spent time working with students in Jubilee school. They helped with construction of a new kitchen for the school and many were moved to tears with how amazing the children and staff were.

We held a special mini party of treats for the primary students after lunch! They were thrilled with the popcorn, crisps and biscuits. It was a day where stronger bonds were formed and our Churchmead students were a real credit to us.

We gave all 71 students gifts, clothes and toiletries to take home and we also visited 5 families most in need in the slums and gifted them with food bags. Although the poverty was incredibly difficult to see, it was an eye opener and we were all reminded how blessed we are. Our students exhibited our school values and have returned feeling very blessed.

On our last day volunteering in Jubilee School our students prepped a special lunch of stew and chapattis for the students, they held a mini sports day and a party for them. It was an incredibly emotional day saying goodbye but we all feel very lucky to have been able to meet such special and inspiring people there.

The group also enjoyed a safari and trip to the giraffe sanctuary.

This has truly been a life changing experience. Thank you to the staff who supported them on this journey.


We may have left Kenya, but Kenya will never leave us.





