At Churchmead School, our focus is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. This is our vision for every individual within our diverse community. We are a small school with a big heart and our aim has always been to build the positive relationships with our students, to know each one individually, and to develop a well-rounded young person for when they entre life outside of school. Our inclusive culture is supported by our school Christian values of Courage, Commitment and Compassion.  That allows our students to explore challenges, build resilience, and learn from mistakes.   


The pastoral teams help to guide students, staff, and parents to secure healthy, happy, and respectful individuals and our student Blue Guardian Angel’s team help our young people feel secure and listened too around the school.  Our bible quote that underpins all that we stand for promotes mutual respect, trust, and diversity, where all are valued and supported so that every child can ‘live life in all its fullness’ John 10:10.  



Are you worried about something or someone? 


  • In the first instance we would like you to speak to a trusted adult in school – this is normally your Tutor or Head of Year. 

  • If you are unsure about how to tell someone face-to-face, you can let us know about a concern via email at  


Where can I access support out of school hours? 

There are a number of website and apps that you can use to help support your wellbeing out of school. Please see our poster below: